If you’re marketing your business online today, you need a marketing localization strategy. From your website to your emails to your ad copy, you need to speak the language of your audience. Otherwise, you’re likely leaving millions (or billions) on the table.
If you know you need to start translating, but you’re not sure where to start, then you’re in the right place. The Ultimate Guide to Translating Your Marketing Materials covers how to translate specific marketing content types, what you should consider for each content type, and tools you can use to get started.
In this eBook, we address:
- Why translation (and localization!) matters to marketers
- Data to support why you should be translating marketing materials
- Translation vs. Localization – what’s the difference?
- How to translate various marketing content types, including:
- Site
- Emails
- Knowledge Bases
- Apps
- Video Subtitles
- Graphic Design
- And more!